The European Commission has granted Condensia the prestigious Seal of Excellence, as the institution managing the Horizon 2020 the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation 2014-2020, by the Project "Hyperbranched polymers with enhanced tribological properties" in the area of Accelerating the uptake of nanotechnologies advanced materials or advanced manufacturing and processing technologies by SME... Read More...

Published at 16 May, 2017

Condensia participate in the Horizon 2020 Funguschain Project, which held its second meeting in Alicante (Spain) last 4th April 2017.

Each year, the European Union produces around 90 million of tonnes of food waste. If we focus on the mushroom farming industry alone, each week more than 60,000 tons are generated. There are, however, major opportunities to turn these outcomes into high value products and this is exactly what the FUNGUSCHAIN Project aims to do, by means of setting up... Read More...

Published at 16 May, 2017