POLY-K is a special scientific conference on the advances in polymer composites and nanocomposites organized to celebrate the career of Prof. José Kenny and his next retirement from the academic world. The conference wants to celebrate his 40 years dedicated to the scientific research and industrial developments related to materials, science and technology embracing in particular the world of polymers and the progress on nanotechnology,

Condensia has extensively collaborate with P...

Published at 28 Mar, 2023

Condensia has received a funded project from the "Centro para el Desarrollo Tecnológico y la Innovación" (CDTI), part of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, in the "PID Cervera" Frameork Program, which is designed to support the research of high innovation capacity companies.

Particulary, the funded project is related to the development of new addtives using a novel synthetic approach of low environmental impact.

Published at 27 Mar, 2023

Condensia has participated in the BIOPOL 2022 edition, held in Alicante from November 14th to 16th, 2022.

The conference, now in its 8th edition, is considered one of the most important events on the topic of biopolymers and materials from renewable sources. Also in this edition, Condensia provided its support as a sponsor of the Congress.

For more information and the main goals, please click ... Read More...

Published at 27 Mar, 2023