Condensia will participate in the 21th International Tribology Conference to held in Stuttgart (Germany), 9-11 January 2018, one of the most relevant relative to the European market of lubricants.

You can find us at the TemixOleo stand.

For further information, please visit

Published at 21 Nov, 2017

Condensia sponsor and will actively participate in the 6th Conference on Biodegradable and Biobased Polymers (BIOPOL) to will held in Mons (Belgium) next 11-13 September 2017. 

Our Technical Manager is on the Scientific Committee of the Conference in which researches and companies from all over of the world exchange up-to-date ideas on current research and new applications of biopolimers and biocomposites

For more information, please visit:

Published at 28 Jul, 2017

It is a pleasure to announce the 1st International Workshop on Biodegradable and Biobased Polymers and Additives to be held in Sassari - Sardinia (Italy) on 15th - 16th of June 2017.

Condensia, jointly with ECNP (The European Centre for Nanostructured Polymers), University of Sassari (Italy), University of Alicante (Spain) and University of Perugia (Italy) organizes this two-day workshop with the aim of offer an outlook on Biobased products both acade... Read More...

Published at 02 Feb, 2017

Condensia is proud to participate to the 20th TAE Tribology Conference  held in Esslinger (Germany), 12-14th January 2016.

This is the most important Conference in Europe dedicated to the lubricant market; more than 40 countries and 600 delegates are attending the Congress.

Our Technical Manager will be present at the TemixOle... Read More...

Published at 12 Jen, 2016

Condensia Química has sponsored and actively participated in the 5th International Conference on Biodegradable Polymers and Sustainable Composites.

The challenge of offer an attractive scientific program as well as promoting contacts among participants has been achieved successfully during this 5th edition of the Biopol conference held in San Sebastian (Spain) on October 2015.

263 researchers have participated showing the last results in this field comprisi... Read More...

Published at 18 Nov, 2015