Condensia participates in the European Horizon 2020 Funguschain Project

From 7 to 9 May 2018, a very fruitful 18th meeting was held at the Aitiip Technology Centre in Zaragoza (Spain), where our Technical Director explained the development of Condensia's participation in the Proyect. In the next phase, with a consolidated cascade approach, we are defining the expansion and design of the demostration plant.

Published at 13 Jun, 2018

Condensia will participate in the 21th International Tribology Conference to held in Stuttgart (Germany), 9-11 January 2018, one of the most relevant relative to the European market of lubricants.

You can find us at the TemixOleo stand.

For further information, please visit

Published at 21 Nov, 2017

Condensia has been chosen as one of the best 500 medium-sized companies which lead business growth through their results achieved in recent years and their ability to generate added value, jobs, innovation and international reach.

These companies have also met a number of standards in turnover, sustained growth, size and profitability which are carefully assessed before they can join CEPYME500, the index of leading companies.

CEPYME500 companies are identified with the officia...

Published at 21 Nov, 2017

Condensia sponsor and will actively participate in the 6th Conference on Biodegradable and Biobased Polymers (BIOPOL) to will held in Mons (Belgium) next 11-13 September 2017. 

Our Technical Manager is on the Scientific Committee of the Conference in which researches and companies from all over of the world exchange up-to-date ideas on current research and new applications of biopolimers and biocomposites

For more information, please visit:

Published at 28 Jul, 2017

The European Commission has granted Condensia the prestigious Seal of Excellence, as the institution managing the Horizon 2020 the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation 2014-2020, by the Project "Hyperbranched polymers with enhanced tribological properties" in the area of Accelerating the uptake of nanotechnologies advanced materials or advanced manufacturing and processing technologies by SMEs. Read More...

Published at 16 May, 2017