The prestigious European Polymer Journal has published an article on Bio-based PLA-PHB plasticized blend films: Processing and structural characterization that highlights the capability to use our Glyplast OLA in active and bio-based formulations with antioxidant and antimicrobial performance.

The research was carried out by the R+D+i Department of Condensia Química SA with the Materials... Read More...

Published at 15 Sep, 2015

Condensia Química assisted at the In-Cosmetics Trade Show, celebrated in Barcelona on April 14th -16th 2015, in the stand of our partner Temix-Oleo.

The In-cosmetics trade show  is one of the most important fair for this sector, gathering the world’s leading personal care ingredients suppliers, formulators and researchers.

We would like to thank Temix-Oleo for their hospitality.

Published at 28 Apr, 2015

We are proud to show the first examples of smart-nanomodified-PLA bottles obtained into the Dibbiopack Project.

The new multifunctional packages in a wide range of processes (injection & blow extrusion) improve the structural and barrier properties, introduce smart features and increase sustainability using nanotechnology. Moreover, they will be used in the near future by food, pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries.

Dibbiopack Project involves 19 partners (SMEs, research cent...

Published at 28 Apr, 2015

The national CDTI project “Plapack” has been accomplished during the second half of 2014.

Thanks to the PLAPACK Project, a new generation of natural, compostable and biodegradable plastics, suitable for food contact and other applications, has been developed with a low migration and high flexibility.

These bioplastics are a modification of polylactic acid (PLA), so they have a lower environmental impact than the materials currently used. In its formulation, have been used ... Read More...

Published at 12 Dec, 2014

The FP7 European Project "Dibbiopack" has entered in its 3rd year of activities.

This 4-year project is going to develop packaging that will be used in the near future by food, pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries.


Published at 01 Oct, 2014