Quality and Environment

Condensia maintains and develops standards of Quality, Health & Safety and respect for the Environment adequate to meet our commitments to our customers, always in accordance with current legislation at National and European level.

This is evidenced, among others, by having implemented and certified an integrated management system for quality and environment according to ISO 9001 and ISO 14001.


Our objectives are:

  • Achieve customer and other relevant interested parties satisfaction, meeting their needs and expectations, while protecting the Environment and employing a Sustainable Development Policy
  • Identify, analyze and take advantages of the opportunities of changing and competitive environment in our industry, mitigating the adverse risk
  • Continual improvement process applied to all our processes, in order to:
    • add value to our products,
    • optimize the quality / price ratio,
    • avoid errors and prevent pollution,
    • provide differentiated services compared to our competitors