Oligómeros de Ácido Láctico

Poliésteres 100% biobasados y biodegradables a base de ácido láctico, caracterizados por un amplio rango de viscosidades, especialmente diseñados para su uso en bioplásticos como:

  • Plastificantes
  • Modificadores de impacto
  • Compatibilizadores
  • Extensores de cadena
  • Agentes nucleantes


Nombre del Producto Viscosidad
Resistencia a la Extracción Resistencia al Envejecimiento EU Food Contact Biodegradabilidad
BioBased Content
Glyplast OLA2 90 (40°C) + + Y >75% 100% Completely biodegradable PLA impact modifier
Glyplast OLA5 2000 (25°C) + ++ Y >75% 100% Completely biodegradable PLA impact modifier
Glyplast OLA8 22 (100°C) ++ ++ Y >85% 100% Completely biodegradable PLA, PHA, starch based material plasticizers. Cling films, calendered object, rope, cable, tissues
Glyplast OLA550 40 (100°C) +++ ++++ Y >85% 100% Completely biodegradable nucleating agent for PLA
Glyplast OLA5023 90 (100°C) +++ ++ N >85% 90% Completely biodegradable chain extender for PLA
Glyplast OLA5028 50 (100°C) +++ +++ N >85% 90% Completely biodegradable compatibilizer for grafting of nanocellulose, montmorillonite, nano filler etc., it works also as chain extender
Glyplast OLA526
(UV Curable)
7600 (25°C) +++ +++ N >85% 90% Completely biodegradable compatibilizer for grafting of nanocellulose, montmorillonite, nano filler etc., it works also as chain extender